Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Crimes Against Magic/Born of Hatred by Steve McHugh

Literary Nymphs Interview

Title: Crimes Against Magic/Born of Hatred Re-release
Author: Steve McHugh
Publisher: 47North
Genre: Urban Fantasy
Release Date: 17 September 2013

Do you write in more than one genre?

I have stories that I want to write which are not Urban Fantasy. I have a pure fantasy book and a steampunk one I’m itching to get to, but Urban Fantasy is the genre I love writing in. I’ll fit the others around that.

What if any, is the hardest part of writing for you?

Waiting on finding out if people like it. You can have your crit partners like it, your beta readers or your editor, but it’s all dependent on finding out if the public like that. That first few weeks is pretty nerve wracking.

What inspired the story?

It sounds incredibly corny, but my kids inspire me to write. When my eldest was born 9 years ago that was when I got serious about writing.

Besides that, Crimes Against Magic was just a story I wanted to tell. I wanted to write books that I’d enjoy, so I did. Thankfully other people enjoyed it too.  The same is true of Born of Hatred, they’re both books that I’d buy and read.

Book blurb:

Crimes Against Magic:

Hellequin Chronicles: Book 1
How do you keep the people you care about safe from enemies you can’t remember?
Ten years ago, Nate Garrett awoke on a cold warehouse floor with no memory of his past—a gun, a sword, and a piece of paper with his name on it the only clues to his identity. Since then, he’s discovered he’s a powerful sorcerer and has used his magical abilities to become a successful thief for hire. 
But those who stole his memories aren’t done with him yet: when they cause a job to go bad and threaten a sixteen-year-old girl, Nate swears to protect her. With his enemies closing in and everyone he cares about now a target for their wrath, he must choose between the comfortable life he’s built for himself and his elusive past. 
As the barrier holding his memories captive begins to crumble, Nate moves between modern-day London and fifteenth-century France, forced to confront his forgotten life in the hope of stopping an enemy he can’t remember.

Born of Hatred:

Hellequin Chronicles: Book 2
There are some things even a centuries-old sorcerer hesitates to challenge…
When Nathan Garret’s friend seeks his help investigating a bloody serial killer, the pattern of horrific crimes leads to a creature of pure malevolence, born of hatred and dark magic. Even with all his powers, Nate fears he may be overmatched. But when evil targets those he cares about and he is confronted by dire threats both old and new, Nate must reveal a secret from his recently remembered past to remind his enemies why they should fear him once more.
Born of Hatred, set in modern London with historical flashbacks to America’s Old West, continues the dark urban fantasy of Crimes Against Magic, the acclaimed first book in the gritty and action-packed Hellequin Chronicles.

Bio: Steve’s been writing from an early age, his first completed story was done in an English lesson. Unfortunately, after the teacher read it, he had to have a chat with the head of the year about the violent content and bad language. The follow up ‘One boy and his frog’ was less concerning to his teachers and got him an A.
It wasn’t for another decade that he would start work on a full length novel that was publishable, the results of which was the action-packed Urban Fantasy, Crimes Against Magic.
He was born in a small village called Mexbrough, South Yorkshire, but now lives with his wife and three young daughters in Southampton.

Where can we find your website?

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