Monday, August 22, 2011

The Elements of Love by S.D. Grady

Author Interview: S.D. Grady

What would you like new fans to know about you?
About me? Perhaps that all is not as it’s something I’ve fought all my life. I mean, who would think a historical romance author would have a serious obsession with NASCAR? But I do. And can be distracted from the pretty cars by a corseted gown in two seconds flat. Maybe there is something to all this steampunk...
Then again, I believe that the two worlds belong where they are...not intersecting. I got more than a little upset when NASCAR decided they would throw the dress code for pit road and garages out the window this year. Now, stilettos, strapless sundresses and shorts are permitted in a world where lugnuts can fly off an air gun at hundreds of miles an hour. Not practical. Although the cameras do like the eye candy that comes with the drivers.
So, when next you meet a woman with more than a few gray hairs, who dresses conservatively, laughs constantly and rarely gives people the evil eye, it’s best not to peg her as anything. She just might write the next smoking hot erotica story, or a tale in a far off land or cover one of your favorite sports from the media center.

In your fantasy world who or what would you be?
I don’t know...I really don’t! I’ve a few things on my bucket list, but those are achievable. At least that’s how I look at life. I like being me. Perhaps if I could be a cat for a while, that would be intriguing. One never knows what a cat is thinking...wouldn’t you like to know?

What is your favorite genre to read?
Historical romances, hot contemporary erotica and the odd fantasy thrown in for good measure. Of course, I can get lost in research for days at a time.

Do you have a favorite quote?
"To laugh often and much; to win the respect of intelligent people and the affection of children; to earn the appreciation of honest critics and to endure the betrayal of false friends. To appreciate beauty; to find the best in others; to leave the world a bit better whether by a healthy child, a garden patch, or a redeemed social condition; to know that even one life has breathed easier because you have lived. This is to have succeeded." –Ralph Waldo Emerson

What can we look forward to in the future from you?
The Silver Scream will be releasing August 10th at Purple Sword Publications
Part of the Gremlins Series
Film school student, Gilda Albright, has taken a job in the newly refurbished Orpheum Theatre as a movie projectionist. The gem from another era prompts her imagination to take flight, and she invites her boyfriend Seth to a private screening. Looking like a movie star from the 50’s, she strips in the spotlight, ensnaring Seth’s lust and drawing the eager eyes of another to her buxom figure. The building takes on a life of its own—fear invades Gilda’s workdays. Will the unseen gremlin let her go or fulfill its erotic obsession with a vision from the past?
Future projects include a historical/fantasy romance entitled "The Heart of the Dragon", which explores the beginning of the vampire myth. "Dinner and a Movie" is a contemporary erotica...stolen moments under the table at your local eatery ;) And I'm just starting on a Fairy Tale project...something a little different for me.
You can also tune into my weekly NASCAR commentary in The Frontstretch Newsletter on Tuesdays:

Where can we find your website?


  1. Congrats on the release, SD.
    Nice interview, too. =)

  2. Hey, SD. I'm wondering how much more protective conservative clothing would be, though.

  3. Love to laugh too! Life is too short to frown all the time. Congrats on the new release and looking forward to many, many more!

  4. Hi guys :) Thanks for stopping by!
