Friday, December 16, 2011

First Watch by Peter Hansen

Peter Hansen Literary Nymphs Author Interview
What would you like new fans to know about you?
If you haven't read my work yet, you should know that I write erotic fiction that's heavily inflected with science fiction and horror. My short stories tend to take place on other worlds or other versions of our world, and they focus on the connections people make when their lives or livelihoods are under threat. I go for Good Soldiers and Angry Young Men, and I'm a huge fan of the idealist/cynic matchup. As for me, I'm an incurable idealist, a Scorpio, and a vegetarian.
In your fantasy world who or what would you be?
Probably a Time Lord. Can you imagine how much easier research would be if I just had to hop in the TARDIS?
What is your favorite genre to read?
Fantasy and science fiction, no question. I like learning about new worlds, and I like encountering cultures that operate on very different sets of rules than our own. When they're done right, fantasy and science fiction both teach us not to exoticize the Other, but to accept ourselves as Other to a functioning cultural system of cooperation and conflict. (When they're done wrong, of course, they only replicate and amplify the worst tropes of colonial apologist literature.)
Do you have a favorite quote?
"I will not stir from this place, do what they can; I will walk up and down here, and I will sing, that they shall hear. I am not afraid." – Bottom, Midsummer Night's Dream
What can we look forward to in the future from you?
Right now, I'm concentrating on writing a pair of sequels to "First Watch," my post-WWI tale of erotic Lovecraftian horror. Once I've finished that, though, I'd like to branch out a little and write something closer to contemporary fiction. Near-future SF or historical fiction set in the eighties—something a little closer to my time and that of my readers.
Allow me to share the blurb for my Riptide release, First Watch:
What price would you pay to survive?
Do you want to live? In the darkness of a WWI battlefield, young Legionnaire Edouard Montreuil lies dying. As teeth nibble his flesh, a voice whispers, Do you want to live? Frightened and desperate, Edouard bargains his freedom for a second chance.
Aboard the Flèche, a grim submarine captained by the nightmare who granted Edouard new life, Edouard pays the price for his survival. Each night, he gives his body to his captain as the bells sound first watch. But surviving is not living, and as the days stretch into months beneath the waves, Edouard grows desperate for escape.
Can Edouard’s old comrade Farid Ruiz help him break this devil's bargain, or will Ruiz fall to the same fate, trapped beneath the waves at the mercy of a monster whose hunger knows no bounds? Edouard and Ruiz served together once before, and slept together too, but courage and passion failed to save them from the eldritch beasts who roamed the night. This time, the cost of failure is nothing so clean or simple as death, and the spoils of victory are not just life, but love.
You can read an excerpt and purchase First Watch here
Where can we find your website?


  1. The 'near future SF' set in the eighties immediately made me think of Blade Runner. That sort of thing would be awesome! =)

    adara adaraohare com

  2. Great interview; I enjoyed reading it.

    I checked out the excerpt and enjoyed that, too.

    Tracey D
    booklover0226 at gmail dot com

  3. I really enjoyed First Watch and am looking forward to more from Peter :-)

    smaccall AT

  4. Thanks for yet another great interview! I LOVE the genre of this book and really hope to read it soon since it's on my wishlist.

    joderjo402 AT gmail DOT com

  5. wonderful interview... =D


  6. I'm a big Doctor Who fan and would love to go around in the TARDIS...although his companions often seem to suffer dubious fates.

