Friday, December 2, 2011

Surprises (Romeo Club, #1) by Brita Addams

Brita Addams - Literary Nymphs Author Interview
What would you like new fans to know about you?
Brita: I'd love for new people to know that I write what's in my heart and stories I hope people can relate to. I write my characters with emotions I've felt, feelings that I think are universal. First and foremost, I write people, no matter what gender they might be. In doing that, I can relate to either a female or male character and have them relate to each other in a realistic way.

In your fantasy world who or what would you be?
No! I'm a very grounded person and I enjoy a wonderful life that I wouldn't change for anything in the world.

What is your favorite genre to read?
Brita: I currently only read gay fiction, usually historical, though I have read some really good contemporary stories. Historical is my first choice, both in reading and writing and then I can't get enough stories about men loving each other.

Do you have a favorite quote?
Brita: "I have promises to keep, and miles to go before I sleep, and miles to go before I sleep." from Robert Frost's Stopping By a Woods on a Snowy Evening.
It's a great metaphor for life.

What can we look forward to in the future from you?
Brita: I have a whole collection of gay erotica I'm writing for Riptide called Romeo Club. They are all contemporary stories, shorts or vignettes, nice lunch or bedtime reading.
I'm working on an historical, which takes place in the early 1800's and I hope to have that submitted by the New Year. Next year, I hope to write a new series that had to be delayed this year due to other commitments. It niggles at my brain and the characters are begging to be written, so that will be a priority as the new year comes upon us. I’m also researching old Hollywood and I have a ton of research done for an American Civil War story I’d like to write.

Here’s the blurb from Romeo Club #1: Surprises:

Are you willing to put yourself in our hands?
Smart, successful, handsome, and thoroughly sick of the club scene, Don ventures into a popular upscale dating service. Aroused and intrigued by the boldfaced sexual queries on the Romeo Club’s application, he finds himself embellishing one answer after the next. Don thinks he’s taking control of his fate, but when he’s done, he ends up turning over a lot more than just his questionnaire to the dominant Adonis who runs the service.
In a private back room, beneath the snick of handcuffs, the slide of silk over his eyes, and not one hot mouth but two upon his skin, Don learns just how much more than matchmaking the Romeo Club has to offer a guy who doesn’t mind a few surprises.

To read an excerpt and purchase the first in the Romeo Club collection, click here.

Romeo Club #2: Rubbed the Right Way is also available at Riptide Publishing.

Where can we find you?


  1. Good Morning Chocolate Minx and all at Literary Nymphs. Hope your weekend is going well.


  2. Great interview as usual. Lovin' the excerpt and adding it to an already long Santa list. Thanks to Riptide for the continuing fun!

    joderjo402 AT gmail DOT com

  3. I enjoyed both the interview and the blurb. I can't wait to read both books in this series.

    Tracey D
    booklover0226 at gmail dot com

  4. I have Surprises in my TBR. I'll have to move it to the top :-)

    smaccall AT

  5. I'm not generally one for historicals, but I like Old Hollywood.

    Oh, and I enjoyed Romeo Club #2 last night. Waiting for more! =)

  6. Great interview. I'll be waiting for your next release of Romeo Club.

    mariaml254 at yahoo dot com

  7. Love the quote.. and oooh~ all of your future projects sound exciting! Really looking forward to the rest of the Romeo Club!!

